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OCR: FIGURE 1: Assigning meaningful rollup group names makes it easier to generate summary templates such as those shown here. WIN92 ADMCORP.C92 File Edit Config FnKeys Trouble Print POC Define Summary Accounts 89-JUL-95 Templates Nare Description Farliest Per ion More Account ; Fax OU OHR-9 Status ASH Cash and cash Current. OHEZ Current SUPRE FRN Cost OF moods $ AR-92 HAR-94 Current No Current darning HK Current deferra nik 2 Current ASLIRE Deferred tax La oort 18-94 Current Goodwill and of Gurt ent Irwestnent Current long-term debt Current Current MEG Notes payable Receivables Current SALES Current Het Sales Selling & Adnir nin Gurfent HerEnt U ChRs Fode: Rep FCR Count: £25 FOIT HELP Page